Tuesday 29 September 2009

Postcolonial theory: some links

As we've been discussing today, the majority of novels studied on this course may, with varying degrees of certitude, be brought under the rubric of 'the postcolonial'. We've touched on a couple of things in the lecture and seminar; but, in case you're not wholly clear on postcolonial theory, here are a couple of useful links from Prof Amardeep Singh:

Here, on Singh's own blog, is a widely-praised 'Postcolonial FAQ' post that lays out some of the basics; and here, on the same blog, is an excellent little introduction to Edward Said's Orientalism:
Said directly challenged what Euro-American scholars traditionally referred to as "Orientalism." Orientalism is an entrenched structure of thought, a pattern of making certain generalizations about the part of the world known as the 'East'. As Said puts it:

“Orientalism was ultimately a political vision of reality whose structure promoted the difference between the familiar (Europe, West, "us") and the strange (the Orient, the East, "them").”

Just to be clear, Said didn't invent the term 'Orientalism'; it was a term used especially by middle east specialists, Arabists, as well as many who studied both East Asia and the Indian subcontinent. The vastness alone of the part of the world that European and American scholars thought of as the "East" should, one imagines, have caused some one to think twice. But for the most part, that self-criticism didn’t happen, and Said argues that the failure there –- the blind spot of orientalist thinking –- is a structural one.

The stereotypes assigned to Oriental cultures and "Orientals" as individuals are pretty specific: Orientals are despotic and clannish. They are despotic when placed in positions of power, and sly and obsequious when in subservient positions. Orientals, so the stereotype goes, are impossible to trust. They are capable of sophisticated abstractions, but not of concrete, practical organization or rigorous, detail-oriented analysis. Their men are sexually incontinent, while their women are locked up behind bars. Orientals are, by definition, strange. The best summary of the Orientalist mindset would probably be: “East is east and west is west, and never the twain shall meet” (Rudyard Kipling).

In his book, Said asks: but where is this sly, devious, despotic, mystical Oriental? Has anyone ever met anyone who meets this description in all particulars? In fact, this idea of the Oriental is a particular kind of myth produced by European thought, especially in and after the 18th century. In some sense his book Orientalism aims to dismantle this myth, but more than that Said's goal is to identify Orientalism as a discourse.
And finally: here is a slightly more sophisticated essay by Singh on 'Four Challenges to Postcolonial Theory' from The Valve, where he also blogs. It is a response to a book called Theory's Empire (an account of the recent prominence of 'Theory' in literary studies) and looks at the responses to postcolonial thought from Erin O’Connor, Priya Joshi, Arif Dirlik and Meera Nanda. If you're thinking of writing an essay on any of the novels on this course via postcolonial theory, I'd recommend having a read of this blog post.

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